Tuesday, 12 February 2013


  • Uses medium shots to show the emotion on her face but also the body language shes giving out.


  • Panning was used at the beginning to show that someone or something is following her. (perhaps the male voice we heard in the background)
  • Still camera work- this was not meant to cause any suspense but it was definitely to observe what the female character was doing. e.g when she runs into the sea.
  • Handheld camera is also used at the beginning to portray a more realistic trip to the beach. e.g a friend filming for a joke.
Mise En Scene-
  • The beach is an Interior Setting as it causes threats sometimes. e.g drowning.
  •  A lot of the lighting that has been used looks like natural lighting, throughout the opening, random parts of it have been lit. e.g key lighting was used when she smiles.
  • For her costume, its minimal as she is in the sea. This could suggest something about her character. For example right at the beginning she strips off in front of people.
  • This creates a realistic character that most people could possibly relate to therefore the audience are meant to like this character.
  • A lot of the editing was continuous, again this would be to create a realistic feel to the film and help the audience relate to this.
  • Some editing was discontinuity editing, with all its jumps from one shot to the next.

  • They have kept to the 180 degree rule. 


  • There is dialogue used within this opening scene, mostly from the female character which could suggest she has more importance.
  • The same music is played throughout the scene, this is Non Diegetic. It helped to create the mood and raises questions as to why they would play it. E.g. when she's struggling in the water.
  • The Diegetic sound used in this sequence is when she jumps into the water, they've had to make a splashing sound as it wouldn't be loud enough naturally.

Nicole Newman

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