Black Swan
- Very dark
- Only one piece of lighting, the spot light. Used to see the character.
The lighting is used intelligently because the scene is very dark and fairly mysterious. We do not know where she is but can assume she is on some sort of stage.
Mise en scene:
- Female is wearing a ballet dress showing that she might be innocent
- No other props used
- Opposing man visually intimidating
- Opera type of music.
- Cresendo
- Appropriate for the scene
- Diegetic music, character can hear it
Another opening scene which confuses the audience like most thriller openings. What makes this a good opening is that it doesn't seem like a thriller because it not intense and doesn't leave us on the edge of our seats. Instead it is a calm opening scene.
Ziaul Islam
why is this a thriller - how is it being constructed for thriller effect?