Thursday, 7 February 2013

Final Idea.

Our final idea is a man who commits a domestic murder on his girlfriend after getting into an argument about finance. The first shot will be a pan of him in the bedroom and we get to see the alcohol he had been drinking smothered across the floor. The next shot would be him looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of his dead girlfriend looking back at him. The next shot is of him washing his face, and him looking back into the mirror of his own reflection- over the shoulder. He is closing his eyes in bed. When his eyes open, you see him in the woods digging a hole. There will be a close up of his face and he closes his eyes and it fades to black and the title comes up.

Our story leads onto him getting caught and getting found out. Throughout this he has flashbacks and ends up in a mental home being in denial and it takes over him and tries to escape.  He continues to see his dead girlfriend.

Ziaul Islam
Shay Nicholson
 Nicole Newman