Thursday, 28 February 2013

Underwater Camera Test

Underwater Camera Testing 

An idea we had to use in our film was to do a worms eye view from underwater, in this video we tested the effect of filming from underwater to see how it looked before we tried it in our actual filming. We took a underwater camera and a deep sink, filled the sink with water so it just covers the cameras lense. To achieve the effect of being underwater we will have to wash water waves over the camera as it sits in the sink to gain maximum effect.

Shay Nicholson

'girlfriend appearing shot'

This is the shot where the mans dead girlfriend is staring back at him. This is however not real life but his imagination. signs of him going crazy. However the audience are unaware of him being crazy. This shot can be problematic because we do not want the camera to be in view so we might have to use 'green screen'. We will shot the scene with both shots and see how it goes and which one is the better shot.

Pictures and video to be added.

Ziaul Islam

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Problems We Came Across.


We found it difficult to film by using hand held camera work. you can see this as its jolty and our bags are in the shot, this meant we had to re do this shot multiple times.

Nicole Newman

Risk Assessment.

This is the first risk assessment we'd done, this is identifying what dangers and problems we could come across whilst filming. Ziaul went over everything that we could find that could potentially be a hazard for us whilst working.

Ziaul Islam


Location Decisions.

This is where we see the character walking up towards the tree to dig.

where he's shown digging a hole for his dead girlfriend or just digging a hole.

The woodland area we used is in Burgess Hill. We decided to use here as its secluded and there wouldnt be any interuptions. This shows that the character is isolated from everyone and also shows his state of mind about being alone. It raises enigma (raises questions) as to why he's in the woods, but also carrying a shovel. It gets the audience thinking about whats going to happen. This is only one of our locations.

Nicole Newman.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Silence Of The Lambs

  • There's a lot of Tracking shots within this opening scene, e.g when shes running through the woods and climbing the rope. 

  • There is a few wide shots which is to create suspense within the piece. 
  • There is no point of view shots, mostly tracking or panning shots, this could suggest someone is following her? It raises questions.
Mise En Scene- 
  • The clothes she's wearing, aren't feminine clothes, this could suggest that her character isn't girly and breaks the stereotype of females not being able to run or do any sporting activities.

  • Its clear that the majority of the filming was done in the woods, which could be seen as quite sinister and creepy. 
  • Some of the filming was placed in a building, which is full of people. Whereas in the woods, it was practically empty. 

  • They have used front key lighting to enhance the natural light they are getting from behind her. This balances out the lighting on her face. 

  • They have used Continuity Editing at the beginning, this makes the film flow and have pace. This makes it more realistic for the viewer. 
  • The main focus is on the female character, therefore there hasnt been any parallel cutting used or any cross cutting. 
  • As there aren't any cuts that I noticed, this raises questions within the audience as they are unsure as to whether there may be anyone coming or following. The audience are left in the dark.

  • Contrapuntal sound has been used in this opening scene to create suspense and tension. 
  • Also this is Non Diegetic sound as the characters cannot hear this. 
  • There is minimal dialogue within the sequence which leaves everything up to the audience to decide on whats going on. 
  • Diegetic sound has been used, for example when she is running deeper into the woods.

Nicole Newman