Thursday 13 December 2012


The main idea of the story is about a man being forced into killing someone whether he wanted to or not because of his past. He now has a wife a children to care for and cannot afford to lose them and face prison. You dont ever see the womans face in the shots because she is to remain unidentified throughout this piece. In the end he was made to take the paper with the targets picture on and kill him as soon as he could without leaving any evidence that it was him. He has previously been an assasin in younger years and now wants to get out of that and into reality where he can live happily. You can see the devistation on his face when he is put through this traumatic time. He owes her as she got him out of a life sentance imprisonment for previous targets during his career as an assasin.


  1. Missing a lot guys - animatics? Locations surveys? Risk assessments? You need to upload your finished product now as well. in addition you will need to upload your finished product.

  2. Still no film - this is really beginning to irritate me. I have to mark this and have asked you now several times to upload it. If it means you have to miss a break time or lunch, then tough! Get organised and don't let people down!
