Wednesday 6 March 2013




  • The diegetic sound of waves crashing gives the audience that the scene is set next to a sea. Also the waves are made louder to support this idea. 
  • Sound bridge used puts these ideas together.


  • Parallel editing is used so we can see what the male is looking at, which is the children. By doing this it makes the audience feel as if they're seeing what the character is seeing.
  • The many but slow cuts create an intense atmosphere which is used to confuse the audience. This can be reflected by the slow waves at the beginning.

Camera shots:

  • There is a close up on spinning top showing that it is an important object in the film. The medium on the main character confirms this as he is rattled.
  • There is a match on action used , close up on the spinning top then and close up on the old man face to see his facial expression.
  • Camera shots in this scene is to point out the facial expressions on both the characters. 

Mise en scene:

  • Undoubtedly the main object and most significant is the spinning top, it makes the audience ask questions and gives a different dimension of suspense to the film. 
  • Costume- There is a scene at the end where they're dining, all characters are wearing suits showing it to be a formal occasion. 
  • Important object
  • lighting is dark which creates a melancholy mood. This is completely different to the first scene where it was sunny
Darker scene

Waves crashing.

Character is powerful, low angle
(beach scene.. lighter)

Ziaul Islam

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